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CMMI/V1.3 Upgrade 정보

CMMI V1.3 - MA 에 추가된 table

CMMI High Maturity 에서도 강조되고 있는 내용이지만 조직의 비즈니스 목표에 연계된 프로세스 성과 목표가 설정되어야 하고, 더 나아가 측정 및 분석 목표가 설정되어야 한다

V1.3 에서는 흥미롭게도 이의 연관 관계를 보여 주는 아래의 table 이 추가 되었으며, 향후 유용하게 인용될 수 있는내용이다.


Example Project, Organizational or Business Objectives Information Need Measurement Objective Measurement Information Categories Example Base Measures Example Derived Measures
Shorten Time to Delivery What is the estimated delivery time? Provide insight into schedule fluctuations and progress Schedule and Progress Estimated and Actual Start and End Dates by Task Milestone Performance
Be First to Market the Product Estimated and Actual Start and End Dates of Acquisition Tasks Percentage of Project on Time
    Schedule Estimation Accuracy
Increase Market Share by Reducing Costs of Products and Services How accurate are the size and cost estimates? Provide insight into actual size and costs compared to plan Size and Effort Estimated and Actual Effort and Size Productivity
      Effort and Cost Estimated and Actual Cost Cost Performance
Cost Variance
Deliver Specified Functionality  Has scope or project size grown? Provide insight into actual size compared to plan, identify unplanned growth Size and Stability Requirements Count Requirements Volatility
Size Estimation Accuracy
        Function Point Count Estimated and Actual Function Points
        Lines of Code Count Amount of New, Modified, and Reused Code
Reduce Defects in Products Delivered to the Customer by 10% without Impacting Cost Where are defects being inserted and detected prior to delivery? Evaluate the effectiveness of defect detection throughout the product lifecycle Quality Number of Defects Inserted and Detected by Lifecycle Phase Defect Containment by Lifecycle Phase
Product Size Defect Density
  What is the cost of rework? Determine the cost of correcting defects Cost Number of Defects Inserted and Detected by Lifecycle Phase Rework Costs
Effort Hours to Correct Defects
Labor Rates
Reduce Information System Vulnerabilities What is the magnitude of open system vulnerabilities? Evaluate the effectiveness of mitigating system vulnerabilities Information Assurance Number of System Vulnerabilities Identified and Number of System Vulnerabilities Mitigated Percentage of System Vulnerabilities Mitigated
Shorten Time to Delivery What is the estimated delivery time? Provide insight into schedule fluctuations and progress Schedule and Progress Estimated and Actual Start and End Dates by Task Milestone Performance
Be First to Market the Product Estimated and Actual Start and End Dates of Acquisition Tasks Percentage of Project on Time
    Schedule Estimation Accuracy
Increase Market Share by Reducing Costs of Products and Services How accurate are the size and cost estimates? Provide insight into actual size and costs compared to plan Size and Effort Estimated and Actual Effort and Size Productivity
Effort and Cost Estimated and Actual Cost Cost Performance
Cost Variance
Deliver Specified Functionality  Has scope or project size grown? Provide insight into actual size compared to plan, identify unplanned growth Size and Stability Requirements Count Requirements Volatility
Size Estimation Accuracy
Function Point Count Estimated and Actual Function Points
Lines of Code Count Amount of New, Modified, and Reused Code
Reduce Defects in Products Delivered to the Customer by 10% without Impacting Cost Where are defects being inserted and detected prior to delivery? Evaluate the effectiveness of defect detection throughout the product lifecycle Quality Number of Defects Inserted and Detected by Lifecycle Phase Defect Containment by Lifecycle Phase
Product Size Defect Density
What is the cost of rework? Determine the cost of correcting defects Cost Number of Defects Inserted and Detected by Lifecycle Phase Rework Costs
Effort Hours to Correct Defects
Labor Rates
Reduce Information System Vulnerabilities What is the magnitude of open system vulnerabilities? Evaluate the effectiveness of mitigating system vulnerabilities Information Assurance Number of System Vulnerabilities Identified and Number of System Vulnerabilities Mitigated Percentage of System Vulnerabilities Mitigated

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